
Warm Winter Weather Sometimes Complicates Michigan Surveillance with Fog

The good news for Sherlock clients conducting Michigan surveillance this winter has been the unusually warm weather. A periodic complication to this unique surveillance opportunity has been some instances of dense fog. Fog impacts surveillance in multiple ways and it also has an impact on how claimants, like everyone else, behave. The most obvious problem Warm Winter Weather Sometimes Complicates Michigan Surveillance with Fog

The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance

The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance In Michigan, the overwhelming majority of private investigation agencies that conduct insurance claims related surveillance have the same business model: use the lowest possible cost investigators to conduct the surveillance and use an administrative person to “set up” the cases and make the decisions The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance

Surveillance Plan Of Action

Does your private investigator give you an actual plan of action BEFORE they spend your money? Chances are, unless your go-to investigation agency is Sherlock Investigations, the answer is no. At Sherlock we think a little differently and a lot more frequently than most agencies. Before we commit  any of our client’s money, we develop Surveillance Plan Of Action

Is the Claimant’s Transportation Company Conducting Counter Surveillance

In many auto injury related casualty claims, an injured (and sometimes allegedly injured) claimant will utilize a medical transportation company to get around.  Even when they are not using a transportation company regularly, we often find the they do so specifically when attending a medical appointment, legal appointment or independent medical evaluation. What many claims Is the Claimant’s Transportation Company Conducting Counter Surveillance

Preparing for Surveillance

Preparing for surveillance isn’t just about making sure you have a full tank of gas and a fully charged camera.  For a field investigator, the preparation starts before the next assignment is even received.  In talking with industry veterans at Sherlock Investigations about their preparation for various field assignments, one thing is clear; they like Preparing for Surveillance