Claims Investigations Experts

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Sherlock Private Investigations
There is little evidence more powerful of the true activities and abilities of a claimant than surveillance.
Information is Power
Our clients are well informed. Sherlock has developed cost effective, detailed and verified background investigations.
Thorough Interviewing
In the tradition of the best detectives, sherlock has a highly trained and experienced team of field investigators.
Need Someone Found?
Our designated team of seasoned professionals who make up our Locate Section are among the best at finding.
Our Services
Sherlock is the insurance investigative agency of choice in terms of ethics, ability and professionalism. We are proud to serve you.

Claims Investigators You Know, Like and Trust.

Sherlock Investigations. Michigan private investigators and surveillance specialists providing claims research to the insurance industry. Sherlock has been providing insurance carriers with expert assessment and documentation of their claimant activitiy. We offer our clients professional insurance investigations, by court certified expert private investigators who understand the importance of getting results while respecting the claimant’s rights.
The distinct advantage of working with Sherlock is our ability to deliver results without complications.
We don’t offer you squadrons of marketing reps with tickets and steak dinners. We don’t pretend to be a nationwide company that offers everything to everyone. Instead we spend our energies on getting results for our clients and staying out of the limelight.
Each case is conducted under the guidelines of conduct established by the National Council of Investigators & Security Services (NCISS) accompanied by a clear understanding of laws governing privacy and fair claims practices.
Whether you handle workers compensation, premise liability, product liability, professional malpractice, auto liability or FELA claims, Sherlock is positioned to provide you with information gathering, surveillance and S.I.U. functions from among the best private investigators in Michigan.
Michigan’s Best Private Investigators
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